James V. Head - Author
Weekly Devotionals, Bible Study & Discussion
Weekly devotionals, articles and commentary are the mainstay of discussions we approach on the difficult passages and books of the Bible. Read and learn from Jim as we tackle subjects that affect all of us in this sometimes challenging, often intimidating social climate in which we now live. Look for how we establish contact with God, approach the Bible, and apply biblical principles. Also, we will discuss what gives us hope and meaning in following Christ. In order to understand how some elements of our current society impact on our lives, and how we should deal with those elements, we will discuss subjects that include Political Correctness and Diversity.

What is God Like – Research for Messengers of God
What is God Like? Imagine, if you will, what God is like in size, substance, intelligence. My curiosity on what God is like is what I contemplated when began writing the The Messengers of God series. The following material I feel is “food for thought” if you are interested in the supernatural generically and God in particular. Especially if you ever find yourself thinking “What is God like?”.